11:34 AM
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But I guess you already know that, since you're looking at it now.
Those of you reading in Reader... you'd better get over here and check me out.
Love ya!
6:00 PM
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Bubblegum Lovesongs
Compiled by Courtney Patino
All My Loving- Paul McCartney
Suzie Q- Creedence Clearwater Revival
Gamble Everything for Love- Ben Lee
No Good Without You- Tyrone Wells
She’s Electric- Oasis
We’re Going to Be Friends- The White Stripes
Knees of My Bees- Alanis Morissette
British Legion-Kasabian
Oh- Dave Matthews
Anyone Else But You- The Moldy Peaches
This mix is exactly what it seems: A bunch of feel-good, lip-smacking love songs.
It’s funny because I think we grow up thinking, “Yeah, that’s what love’s going to be,” and then we get heartbroken and disappointed and sad and cool and say, “That was such crap, everyone should know better, including the tool who wrote that song,” and then we fall in love and realize that the tool who wrote that song knew exactly what he was talking about.