Accomplishments of the day: 18 February 2007

10:07 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

1)Spontaneous activity executed directly following work

2)Beach appropriate clothing aquired inexpensively and quickly (not on credit)

3)Drive to beach without getting angry at traffic

4)In anticipation of beach, begin undressing in traffic

5)Parallel park-- stick shift style

6)Overcome fear of teenagers and sit on beach anyway

This is officially the best day in February, ever.

7)Get feet wet (actually--all of lower leg, up to knees)

8)Pick treasures

9)See Catalina Island

[10)get peer-pressured into getting a library card]


Mike Morabito said...

I would say it was more like peer seduction. haha

Great job.

Courtney said...

you would like to believe that wouldn't you... call it what you want. at the end of the day, I had a library card and you had your videos. you and the dimples of death. your laser green eyes. your strangling smile. I was forced. your hotness can be so harrowing.