Becoming a Ggirlfriend

12:51 AM Edit This 5 Comments »
While I was spending some wind-down time with the dogs tonight (I'm house sitting this week along with beautiful black labs Bella and Bailey), I decided to reevaluate my e-situation.

My boyfriend is a super Ggeek (or at least aspiring to be one), and is always sharing things that he is learning and doing to be more efficient, better informed, and basically "geeking to live". I love learning from him, but haven't really spent too much time applying what I've learned. Tonight I took a few simple steps in the right direction, by getting myself a Gmail email address, and setting up my iGoogle homepage where I can keep my calendar, email, reader, weather, and news on one easy to update page. I also set up my Google picasa account this week, so I have basically converted my whole e-life into a Glife.

Isn't that geek-tastic?

Now, I know it's really not that impressive or hardcore, but it's a new move for me, so I'm feeling pretty stoked about it. There is also something pretty relaxing and chi about having everything in little light blue boxes... so now I think I'm ready for bed.

Hope you all had a great independence day and got to see some good fireworks. I do believe in magic. And I believe that you should vote Mike Morabito for president in 2016.




Idhrendur said...

Assuming he isn't already king of my little survival community, I definitely will!

AJ Harbison said...

Props on G-i-fying your life. Gmail really is one of the greatest inventions since the internet. And since your Gboyfriend (and my G[former]roommate) has Gbrainwashed me, GI too have become a Gproponent of Gproducts and the Glife.

::shakes vigorously::

I believe in M-bito for president in 2016 so much, I wish I could cast my ballot right now. Did you know that Texas is the only state which allows voters to cast absentee ballots from space?


Mike Morabito said...

You guys make me Glaugh. GHaGha.

Also, I think I'm in Glove.


Vote for Gmike 2016! haha


Mike Morabito said...

Courtney, I am so proud of you,way to revaluate the "e-situation". I even linked my blog to this post.


Anonymous said...

Courtney, I was looking at your pictures and was reflecting on my college days in Riverside at Cal Baptist now CBU. We would pile into our friends "Woody" complete with surf boards or the classic "Malibu" with the 8 tracks blaring and head to none other than 1000 steps beach. Still looks the same. This was before sunblock...many a sunburn...we were the original "moondoggies" :) But of course since I could not swim it was all about the view not the water. Sounds of "Wipe Out" still dance in my head.
A blast from the past...
Mrs. C