GO Acoustic

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Friday night, Mike and I went to a stellar even at Rock Harbor church called Go Acoustic. It was a magical evening of up close and awesome music with artists who donated their performances to raise money for Habitat for Humanity in support of the church's GO Campaign. The GO Campaign is an effort by Rock Harbor to give ourselves away in 2 ways: 1) to raise 1 million dollars this year to give to 12 specific causes (donating 150,000 of that to Habitat for Humanity) and 2) to send people on mission trips in 4 major "outposts" ongoing for 6 months.

It was rad to be a part of this event because it supported something I really care about, people living in poverty, and it also gave me a chance to hear some great music; some new to me, and some classic in my heart. Every artist was absolutely great. I encourage you to check out their myspace profiles:

I personally really enjoyed their music, and the venue was awesome. It is a rare treat for me to get to see good artists perform in a place that is nice and cozy along with people who love music and helping people so much.

Rock on.



Mike Morabito said...

I support the GO Courtney Campaign.

Courtney, this was fun to go to with you. And yeah I agree AJ DeGrasse would be a great addition to my mom's cd collection... haha jk.

And I did listen to On Fire on the way home, so good.

AJ Harbison said...

That's cool. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.

But my heart burns with rage within me as I see that someone is stealing the name "AJ" and associating it with being a "rockstar," since we know there's only one of those. SO messed up.


AJ Harbison, the REAL rockstar

Courtney said...

Don't worry AJ, Mike doesn't seem to think that AJ DeGrasse is ANY competition in the Rock Star category, or much of any category, except the most likely to be added to his mom's cd collection category, or most likely to be Mike Pilivachi's brother category.